New Music

My new COuntry album!

It started on a dare...

“You ain’t no country boy!” were the words I heard when I told someone I lived in the country since I was 3 years old. Truth is, that it’s the only kind of life I know.

My country life I began living off the grid in the late 1980’s in southern-middle Tennessee -which to clarify-meant we had an outhouse, no electricity(solar came when I was about 12 years old), no plumbing in the house, and our closest neighbor was 7/8 of a mile away at the time. In the damn middle of nowhere…a term I know well.

I also was a ranch hand at different stages of my youth where I would stack/load square bales during the seasons and tended livestock. I also rode a lot; wester was my favorite style saddle, but I’ve also played around with English.

So you could imagine my chagrin when I was told this. By the way, being told this also played a role in my reason to write, produce, and share this country series. It may not be “country” in a way we all have come to understand it to be in this current world, but it’s me…my experience in living life where I’m at…in the country.

We often look to justify our fears.

But if we take opportunity to face them,

there’s a chance to be freed from them live again!

Click or tap to transport to my store!!

Who is Zean?

I am an Americana music artist. But I must include that my main musical influence flows from Jazz/Blues moods. I think that an exposure to gospel music in my early years immensely contributes this influence; but in terms of style-I must insist, it’s definitely my own.


  My writing history begins somewhere around the age of 15 with my very first completed song Goodbyes-which I’m proud to admit, had a heavy folk sound (which nowadays is considered Americana) at the time. 


From there I came to find interest in traditional classical music, contemporary country, alternative rock, and pop-which further brought me closer to creating my present-day sound.


Currently, I am nurturing an independent music career, moving towards a personal goal to be a working musician which I hope to use as a full-time replacement to running my own construction company.


The future? We. Shall. See.

Newest vid release!

Youtube Podcast links

Meet The Mimes Pod

Combat Cub Pod

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